C++ STL algorithm, stable_partition() program example


Compiler: Visual C++ Express Edition 2005

Compiled on Platform: Windows XP Pro SP2

Header file: Standard

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To do: Using the stable_partition() to classify elements in a range into two disjoint sets, with those elements satisfying a unary predicate preceding those that fail to satisfy it, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements in C++ programming

To show: How to use the C++ algorithm, stable_partition() to classify elements in a range into two disjoint sets, with those elements satisfying a unary predicate preceding those that fail to satisfy it, preserving the relative order of equivalent elements in C++ programming




// C++ STL algorithm, stable_partition()

#include <vector>

#include <algorithm>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


bool greaterthan(int value)

{return value > 5;}


int main(void)


// vector containers

vector <int> vec1, vec2;

// vector iterators

vector <int>::iterator Iter1, Iter2, result;

int i, j;


// push data in range

for(i = 0; i <= 10; i++)


// push data in range

for(j = 0; j <= 4; j++)


// randomly shuffle the data

random_shuffle(vec1.begin(), vec1.end());

cout<<"Randomly shuffle vec1 vector data: ";

for(Iter1 = vec1.begin(); Iter1 != vec1.end(); Iter1++)

cout<<*Iter1<<" ";


// partition the range with predicate greater than 5...

result = stable_partition (vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), greaterthan);

cout<<"\nThe partitioned set of elements in vec1 vector is: ";

for(Iter1 = vec1.begin(); Iter1 != vec1.end(); Iter1++)

cout<<*Iter1<<" ";


cout<<"\nThe first element in vec1 vector fail to satisfy the npredicate greaterthan() is: "<<*result<<endl;

return 0;



Output examples:


Randomly shuffle vec1 vector data: 3 1 9 2 0 3 7 3 4 3 8 5 3 3 10 6

The partitioned set of elements in vec1 vector is: 9 7 8 10 6 3 1 2 0 3 3 4 3 5 3 3

The first element in vec1 vector fail to satisfy the npredicate greaterthan() is: 3

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