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create this, delete that, write this, read that, close this, open that










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9.7  Random Access To Disk Files

  • Before this you have learned how to read or write data sequentially.  In many cases, however, you may need to access particular data somewhere in the middle of a disk file.

  • Random access is another way to read and write data to disk file.  Specific file elements can be accessed in random order.

  • There are two C I/O functions, fseek() andftell(), that are designed to deal with random access.

  • You can use the fseek() function to move the file position indicator to the spot you want to access in a file.  The prototype for the fseek() function is:

int   fseek(FILE    *stream, long    offset, int    whence);

  • stream is the file pointer with an opened file.  offset indicates the number of bytes from a fixed position, specified bywhence, that can have one of the following integral values represented by SEEK_SET,SEEK_CUR and SEEK_END.

  • If it is successful, the fseek() function return 0, otherwise the function returns a nonzero value.

  • whence provides theoffset bytes from the file location. whence must be one of the values0, 1, or 2 which represent three symbolic constants (defined in stdio.h) as follows:



File location



File beginning



Current file pointer position



End of file


Table 9.10: offset bytes

  • IfSEEK_SET is chosen as the third argument to the fseek() function, theoffset is counted from the beginning of the file and the value of the offset is greater than or equal to zero.

  • If however,SEEK_END is picked up, then theoffset starts from the end of the file, the value of the offset should be negative.

  • WhenSEEK_CUR is passed to thefseek() function, theoffset is calculated from the current value of the file position indicator.

  • You can obtain the value of the current position indicator by calling the ftell() function.  The prototype for the ftell() function is,

long   ftell(FILE    *stream);

  • stream is the file pointer associated with an opened file.  The ftell() function returns the current value of the file position indicator.

  • The value returned by the ftell() function represents the number of bytes from the beginning of the file to the current position pointed to by the file position indictor.

  • If theftell() function fails, it returns–1L (that is, a long value of minus 1).  Let explore the program example. Create and make sure text file named tesseven.txt is located in the C:\Temp folder before you can execute the program.  The contents of the tesseven.txt is,

THIS IS THE FIRST LINE OF TEXT, tesseven.txt file

THIS IS THE SECOND LINE OF TEXT, tesseven.txt file

THIS IS THE THIRD LINE OF TEXT, tesseven.txt file

THIS IS THE FOURTH LINE OF TEXT, tesseven.txt file


                                                The content of tesseven.txt file


1.         // random access to a file

2.         #include <stdio.h>

3.         #include <stdlib.h>


5.         enum  {SUCCESS, FAIL, MAX_LEN = 120};


7.         // function prototypes, seek the file position indicator

8.         void  PtrSeek(FILE  *fptr);

9.         // function prototype, tell the file position indicator...

10.      long  PtrTell(FILE  *fptr);

11.      // function prototype read and writes...

12.      void  DataRead(FILE  *fptr);

13.      int   ErrorMsg(char  *str);


15.      int main(void)

16.      {

17.            FILE  *fptr;

18.            char filename[] = "c:\\Temp\\tesseven.txt";

19.            int  reval  = SUCCESS;


21.           // if there is some error opening file for reading...

22.            if((fptr = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)

23.            {

24.                 reval = ErrorMsg(filename);

25.            }

26.           // if opening is successful..

27.            else

28.            {

29.                // PtrSeek() function call...

30.                 PtrSeek(fptr);

31.                //close the file stream...

32.                 if(fclose(fptr)==0)

33.                      printf("%s successfully closed.\n", filename);

34.            }

35.           // for Borland...

36.           // system("pause");

37.            return  reval;

38.      }


40.      // PtrSeek() function definition

41.      void  PtrSeek(FILE  *fptr)

42.      {

43.            long   offset1, offset2, offset3, offset4;


45.            offset1 = PtrTell(fptr);

46.            DataRead(fptr);

47.            offset2 = PtrTell(fptr);

48.            DataRead(fptr);

49.            offset3 = PtrTell(fptr);

50.            DataRead(fptr);

51.            offset4 = PtrTell(fptr);

52.            DataRead(fptr);


54.            printf("\nReread the tesseven.txt, in random order:\n");

55.           // re-read the 2nd line of the tesseven.txt

56.            fseek(fptr, offset2, SEEK_SET);

57.            DataRead(fptr);

58.           // re-read the 1st line of the tesseven.txt

59.            fseek(fptr, offset1, SEEK_SET);

60.            DataRead(fptr);

61.           // re-read the 4th line of the tesseven.txt

62.            fseek(fptr, offset4, SEEK_SET);

63.            DataRead(fptr);

64.           // re-read the 3rd line of the tesseven.txt

65.            fseek(fptr, offset3, SEEK_SET);

66.            DataRead(fptr);

67.      }


69.      // PtrTell() function definition

70.      long   PtrTell(FILE  *fptr)

71.      {

72.            long  reval;

73.           // tell the fptr position...

74.            reval = ftell(fptr);

75.            printf("The fptr is at %ld\n", reval);

76.            return  reval;

77.      }


79.      // DataRead() function definition

80.      void  DataRead(FILE  *fptr)

81.      {

82.            char  buff[MAX_LEN];

83.           // reading line of text at the fptr position...

84.            fgets(buff, MAX_LEN, fptr);

85.           // and display the text...

86.            printf("-->%s\n", buff);

87.      }


89.      // error message function definition

90.      int  ErrorMsg(char *str)

91.      {

92.           // display this error message...

93.            printf("Problem, cannot open %s.\n", str);

94.            return FAIL;

95.      }


95 lines: Output:


C file I/O open read write: random access and close file stream



void    rewind(FILE    *stream);


(void) fseek(fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET);

1.         // reading, writing, rewind and binary data

2.         #include <stdio.h>

3.         #include <stdlib.h>


5.         enum   {SUCCESS, FAIL, MAX_NUM = 5};


7.         // function prototypes...

8.         void  DataWrite(FILE  *fout);

9.         void  DataRead(FILE  *fin);

10.      int   ErrorMsg(char  *str);


12.      int main(void)

13.      {

14.           FILE  *fptr;

15.          // binary type files...

16.           char  filename[] = "c:\\Temp\\teseight.bin";

17.           int  reval = SUCCESS;


19.          // test for creating, opening binary file for writing...

20.           if((fptr = fopen(filename, "wb+")) == NULL)

21.           {

22.                reval   =  ErrorMsg(filename);

23.           }

24.           else

25.           {

26.               // write data into file teseight.bin

27.                DataWrite(fptr);

28.               // reset the file position indicator...

29.                rewind(fptr);

30.               // read data...

31.                DataRead(fptr);

32.               // close the file stream...

33.                if(fclose(fptr)==0)

34.                 printf("%s successfully closed\n", filename);

35.           }

36.          // for Borland

37.          // system("pause");

38.           return  reval;

39.      }


41.      // DataWrite() function definition

42.      void  DataWrite(FILE  *fout)

43.      {

44.           int   i;

45.           double   buff[MAX_NUM] = { 145.23, 589.69, 122.12, 253.21, 987.234};


47.           printf("The size of buff: %d-byte\n", sizeof(buff));

48.           for(i=0; i<MAX_NUM; i++)

49.           {

50.                printf("%5.2f\n", buff[i]);

51.               fwrite(&buff[i], sizeof(double), 1, fout);

52.           }

53.      }


55.      // DataRead() function definition

56.      void  DataRead(FILE  *fin)

57.      {

58.           int   i;

59.           double  x;


61.           printf("\nReread from the binary file:\n");

62.           for(i=0; i<MAX_NUM; i++)

63.           {

64.               fread(&x, sizeof(double), (size_t)1, fin);

65.                printf("%5.2f\n", x);

66.           }

67.      }


69.      // ErrorMsg() function definition

70.      int  ErrorMsg(char  *str)

71.      {

72.           printf("Cannot open %s.\n", str);

73.           return  FAIL;

74.      }


74 lines, Output:


C file I/O open read write read write binary file and rewind


  • This program writes five values of the double data type into a binary file named teseight.bin and then rewind the file position indicator and re-read the fivedouble values from the binary file.

  • The two functions, DataWrite() andDataRead(), that perform the writing and reading, declared in lines 8 and 9.  Theenum names, SUCCESS,FAIL, and MAX_NUM, are defined in line 5 with values 0, 1, and 5 respectively.

  • The statement in line 20, tries to create and open a binary file calledteseight.bin for both reading and writing.

  • If thefopen() function is successful, theDataWrite() function is called in line 27 to write four double data items, into the opened binary file, according to the definition of the DataWrite() function.

  • Thefwrite() function in line 51 does the writing.  Right after the execution of theDataWrite() function, the file position indicator is reset to the beginning of the binary file by calling the rewind() function in line 29 because we want to re read all five double data items written to the file.

  • Thefread() function is used to perform the reading operation.  The output from running the program shows the five double data items before the writing and after the reading as well.

  • As you learned, two C library functions scanf()/scanf_s() and printf()/printf_s() can be used to read or write formatted data through the standard I/O (that is,stdin and stdout).  For C disk file I/O functions, there are two equivalent functions;fscanf()/fscanf_s() andfprintf()/fprintf_s() functions allow the programmer to specify I/O streams.

int    fscanf(FILE    *stream, const    char    *format,);

int    fprintf(FILE    *stream, const    char    *format, …);

23 12 33 10 4 6 44 31 7 50

/* C Program to calculate the average of a list of numbers. */

/* calculate the total from one file, output the average into another file */

#include <stdio.h>

/* for exit() */

#include <stdlib.h>


int main(void)


    int value, total = 0, count = 0;

    /* fileptrIn and fileptrOut are variables of type (FILE *) */

    FILE * fileptrIn, * fileptrOut; 

    char filenameIn[100], filenameOut[100];

    printf("Please enter an input filename (use path if needed):\n");

    scanf("%s", filenameIn);

    printf("Please enter an output filename (use path if needed):\n");

    scanf("%s", filenameOut);

    /* open files for reading, "r" and writing, "w" */

    if((fileptrIn = fopen(filenameIn, "r")) == NULL)


        printf("Error opening %s for reading.\n", filenameIn);

        exit (1);



        printf("Opening %s for reading is OK.\n", filenameIn);

    if((fileptrOut = fopen(filenameOut, "w")) == NULL)


        printf("Error opening %s for writing.\n", filenameOut);

        exit (1);



        printf("Opening %s for writing is OK.\n", filenameOut);

    /* fscanf */

    printf("\nCalculate the total...\n");

    while(EOF != fscanf(fileptrIn, "%i", &value))


        total += value;


    }/* end of while loop */

    /* write the average value to the file. */

    /* fprintf */

    printf("Calculate the average...\n\n");

    fprintf(fileptrOut, "Average of %i numbers = %f \n", count, total/(double)count);

    printf("Average of %i numbers = %f \n\n", count, total/(double)count);

    printf("Check also your %s file content\n", filenameOut);

    if(fclose(fileptrIn) == 0)

        printf("%s closed successfully\n", filenameIn);

    if(fclose(fileptrOut) == 0)

        printf("%s closed successfully\n", filenameOut);

    return 0;





C file I/O open read and process external data file


C & C++ programming tutorials









Further C file i/o reading and digging:


  1. The source code for this Module is: C file input/output program source codes.
  2. For C++ and MFC (Windows GUI programming) it is called Serialization and the topics are inSingle Document Interface (SDI) andMultiple Document Interface (MDI).
  3. Check the best selling C / C++ books at Amazon.com.
  4. Wide character/Unicode is discussed Character Sets, Unicode & Locale and the implementation using Microsoft C is discussedWindows Users & Groups C programming.
  5. Implementation specific information for Microsoft can be foundMicrosoft C Run-Time Tutorials and More Win32 Windows C Run-Time programming Tutorials.





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C File Input/Output: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5